11 May
Children can have daytime wetting (incontinence) due to a variety of conditions such as:
- Overactive Bladder: an overactive bladder where the child feels the need to use the toilet very frequently (more than 6 times a day) and urgently and may have daytime wetting (urge incontinence) with or without night-time wetting (nocturnal enuresis).
- Infrequent voiding: where the child empties their bladder infrequently (less than 4 times a day), and they may not empty their bladder fully each time.
- Voiding dysfunction: where the child has wetting with withholding behavior and they may not empty their bladder sufficiently. They could also have bowel problems such as constipation
- Giggle incontinence: where your child only wets when they are giggling.